Ruby on Rails Developer

Москва, Россия
Информационные технологии • Разработка • Backend • Fullstack • Ruby • jQuery • Ruby on Rails • CSS • HTML • PostgreSQL
Удаленная работа • Работа в офисе
Опыт работы от 1 года до 3х лет
100 000 ₽

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О себе

Текущий статус/должность: Full-stack Ruby on Rails developer.

Мои компетенции и опыт


I'm a highly motivated developer with one year of experience looking for an opportunity to expand my web development skills. Developed front and back-end features using Ruby on Rails, HTML, CSS, JS, git and related technologies.
Working as full-stack developer on one web studio. As a part of the team, added new features and took a part in the discussion of the projects.
The main thing can describe me is "Always thinking about the User Experience".



Ruby - OOP, Data types, Unit/RSpec/Capybara testing.

Ruby on Rails - Building simple web applications, associated models, helpers, basic understanding of Service Object, basic custom logs.

PostgreSQL/MySQL/SQLite - Using the databases for web apps developing.

HTML/CSS/Bootstrap/jQuery - Creating responsive websites.

Cloud Service - AWS S3 Storage using to store uploaded files from app on Heroku.

VPS - Setting up VPS with Digital Ocean. Rails app deploying.

CV: нужен доступ к резюме


I had the opportunity to participate in various projects

• Slack/Asana/GitLab workflow
• Came up with a new feature for the project
• Implemented basic Active Admin functionality
• Worked with export and import csv format files
• Refactored front-end features using:
- HTML/Slim/Haml
- CSS/Less/Sass
- Basic Js/ нужен доступ к резюме


Gems used in projects: devise, carrierwave, fog-aws, kaminari, i18n, basic thinking-sphinx use, roo, axlsx, simple_calendar, activeadmin, rspec, factory_bot, capybara, bootstrap, slim, gritter, sweetify.


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