
Novi Sad, Serbia
Стажер • Джуниор • Миддл
Арт, Дизайн • Gamedev design • Concept • Level • Narrative • Игоровой баланс • UX/UI design • UX • Анимация
Релокация • Удаленная работа
Опыт работы от 1 года до 3х лет
100 000 ₽
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О себе

На данный момент Technical Gamedesigner.

Мои компетенции и опыт

Fedor Kilin
Location: Serbia
Email: нужен доступ к резюме
Resume: нужен доступ к резюме
Portfolio: нужен доступ к резюме , нужен доступ к резюме

Hard Skills: Digital Art, Full Pipeline Knowledge, Further Mathematics, Unreal Engine, Adobe Photoshop, Maya, Microsoft Excel, Blender, Twine, System Game Design.

Soft Skills: Reference seeker, Empathetic, Analytic, Open to Feedback.

Project Management and Documentation Tools
JIRA: Proficient in tracking and managing development tasks.
Notion: Skilled in creating and maintaining comprehensive documentation.
ClickUp: Utilized for task management, helping to streamline the development process.

Technical Proficiencies
Unreal Engine: Visual programming, Work with Blueprints and conducting game testing.
Slack: Advanced user with experience in utilizing various extensions.
Microsoft Office: Proficient with the entire suite of Office applications.
Google Tools: Active and proficient user of many Google services.

Game design
Innovative development (combining incompatible, unique mechanics, merging and separation of mechanics), search and creation of unique distinctive mechanics, modification of existing

Records of documentation, compilation of algorithms, block diagrams, core loops and diagrams of screens

Development of a monetization model, game setting, basic mechanics, game logic, fitting all components to create a complete gameplay, and thinking over the details

UI and UX development at the level of the game designer, scripts transition between screens

Development of features in a given setting and mechanics, their description and debugging

Work with the game balance and on its actualization

Professional Experience
Game Designer, Farcana
April нужен доступ к резюме April 2024
Involved in the design and implementation of game mechanics and systems using Unreal Engine for a third-person arena shooter.
Game Designer, нужен доступ к резюме Programming
April нужен доступ к резюме January 2023
Contributed to game development and programming, enhancing gameplay experience and user engagement.

HSE Art and Design School
Bachelor's in Game Design and Virtual Reality, нужен доступ к резюме
Russian University of Transport
Bridge and Tunnel Construction Profile, нужен доступ к резюме


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