Product Manager / CTO / Full Stack Developer

Yerevan, Armenia
Сеньор • Тимлид/Руководитель группы • Руководитель отдела/подразделения • Консультант
Информационные технологии • Разработка • Backend • Fullstack • Frontend • JavaScript • Node.js • Python • TypeScript • React • jQuery • Express • Nest • CSSinJS • CSS • EJS • HTML • SASS • MySQL • Redis
Релокация • Удаленная работа • Частичная занятость • Работа в офисе
Опыт работы более 5 лет
5 000 $
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О себе

На данный момент Chief Technical Officer.

Мои компетенции и опыт

I'm Full-Stack Web developer with 5+ years of experience in building SaaS platforms.
Have proven experience of managing a team of engineers and process optimization.
In love with startups atmosphere.
I'm passionate about understanding business needs and how to make the product even better.
Specializing in JS ecosystem, using React & NestJS.
Looking for my next challenge.

You can contact me here:
Telegram: нужен доступ к резюме (preferred)
Email: нужен доступ к резюме


  1. Alternative investment platform for luxury assets to help everyone invest in unique luxury assets (rare gems, jewelry and other experiences) previously available only for limited audience (ultra-wealthy, celebrities, royalty and institutional collectors).


  • Hiring to tech, marketing and design team (3 frontend developers, 1 marketing operation, 1 product designer)
  • Finding and performing best implementation & integration scenarios with various platforms like HubSpot, Zoho, TransactAPI by NorthCapital etc. based on business requirements
  • Revamping tech stack to suit business needs and decrease delivery time in different scenarios
  • Managing engineering team to control product delivery, solving tech issues and keeping responsibility areas are clean
  • Cooperating with marketing & design team on business and tech requirements
  • Executing marketing ops on email newsletter delivery
  • Transferring backend logic to proprietary solution instead of 3rd party to have more control on user flows and upcoming business requests
  • Working on a new frontend architecture (Wordpress + CSR React app -> нужен доступ к резюме for static pages, CSR
  • React app for internal functionality, Strapi for Content management)
  • Reducing technical debt by replacing inconsistent tech solutions to simplify development, decrease delivery time and improving UX 


  • Updated whole web application design + delivered new functionality in 5 weeks deadline making sure that already existing business logic still works
  • Launched 2 new investment assets + 1 event on a new tech stack under deadlines
  • Investigated, removed and replaced costy tech solutions by previous dev shops

2. SaaS platform for construction companies to help save time, manage tasks, crews & communication.


  • Active communications with backend team and product manager
  • Participating in backlog grooming with finding optimal implementation way from product & engineering perspective
  • Implementing functionality using React, Redux, нужен доступ к резюме , TypeScript
  • Cross code-review in frontend team
  • Writing Unit & End-to-end tests using Jest and Cypress
  • Doing R&D stuff using Python & React


  • Designed an interactive system with access via Slack for QA engineers, which allows testing tasks in isolation
  • Main product release in the fall of 2020 and still ongoing!

3. SaaS platform for an admission campaign of the largest university in the South of Russia.


  • Implementing new functionality using React, Redux and TypeScript
  • Building UI closely with UI/UX designer
  • Cross code-review in frontend team
  • Doing R&D stuff using Python


  • Released all extremely important functionality just in time to allow thousands of applicants to submit their applications and to be reviewed by managers from their own UI.
  • Implemented Telegram chatbot to increase performance and simplify the work of the support team with old support ticket system during university admission campaign.
  • Achieved better planning and performance in frontend team due to new processes. Build from scratch communications between frontend and backend team over common tasks. That extremely helped in terms of reducing integration time, better feature implementing from backend team.

4. Internal project "Secret Santa"


  • Implementing all new functionality using NestJS, MySQL, Redis, нужен доступ к резюме and TypeScript
  • Migrate all old functionality and business logic to a new tech-stack
  • Mentoring junior backend and frontend engineers


  • Described plans for the project development and commercialization
  • Implemented a gift recommendation system using the content of users' wish list

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