QA Automation Engineer

Миддл • Сеньор • Тимлид/Руководитель группы • Руководитель отдела/подразделения • Директор
Информационные технологии • QA
Удаленная работа
Опыт работы более 5 лет

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О себе

Текущий статус/должность: SDET.

Мои компетенции и опыт

Subject: Application for Remote Fullstack QA Engineer Position

Dear Hiring Manager,

Let me introduce myself: I am Larisa Evdokimova, an experienced Fullstack QA Engineer with over six years in the field, seeking a remote role with a flexible schedule. I possess strong self-management skills, lead teams effectively, and am dedicated to ensuring high-quality software applications and optimal customer experiences across a variety of devices.

I am fluent in English (C1 level) and currently collaborate with an international engineering team, developing products for millions of users. I pride myself on being trustworthy and open-minded, with a commitment to high performance and accountability. In addition to my technical skills, I focus on team growth by mentoring individuals, defining strategies, and establishing processes that facilitate QA delivery. I efficiently assign tasks and manage production support backlogs to ensure seamless operations.

Thank you for considering my application.

Yours faithfully,
Larisa E.

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