Senior Project Manager, Head of Production, CEO

Форталеза, Бразилия
Сеньор • Тимлид/Руководитель группы • Руководитель отдела/подразделения
Управление продуктом и проектами • Управление процессами
Релокация • Удаленная работа
Опыт работы более 5 лет
300 000 ₽
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О себе

На данный момент Head of Marketing.

Мои компетенции и опыт

нужен доступ к резюме current - Owner / CEO of a nails studio

My business in Brazil

  • Created the new brand of Russian nail technique
  • Hired the team of manicures, launched the marketing campaign
  • Currently the studio is getting small profits, the nearest plans include hiring more people here and opening a new studio in another district

нужен доступ к резюме current - Head of Marketing

Online education startup

  • Created the marketing department with the task to attract applications for online educational programs with public funding
  • Main channels of promotion: Telegram, VKontakte, contextual advertising, media placements
  • The advertising budget used in 2022 was of 20 million rubles. Received ~72,000 applications from April to October 2022

нужен доступ к резюме Head of Game Art Production

Allcorrect Group

  • Completed 21 customer interviews with potential B2B clients
  • Formed a viable offer and pricing policy for the new art department
  • Established the production pipeline and formed project teams
  • Led the new department through 15+ successful projects

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