Product Manager

Будапешт, Венгрия
Стажер • Джуниор • Миддл
Управление продуктом и проектами • Product management • Product Owner
Удаленная работа
Опыт работы от 1 года до 3х лет
от 1 000 $
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О себе

На данный момент Product Manager.

Мои компетенции и опыт

Product Manager at marketing AI startup Teamlex (January 2024 to present)


  • improving conversion rates across sales funnels;
  • market analysis and validation of product-market fit hypotheses;
  • competitor analysis and identification of unique selling propositions (USPs);
  • conducting customer development (custdev) interviews;
  • developing product vision;
  • creating and implementing sales strategies;
  • email marketing;
  • working on pitches and decks;
  • outreach efforts;
  • handling specific tasks related to talent search and recruitment;
  • managing contractors;
  • developing and assigning technical specifications.


  • identified product-market fit;
  • conducted over 100 customer development interviews;
  • enhanced audience segmentation and service offerings, doubling the number of qualified leads;
  • updated sales funnels and revamped sales methods, resulting in increased conversion rates across nearly all stages (conversion from lead to customer grew from 2% to 7%);
  • reduced sales cycle duration by 1.5 times.


Prior to that: experience in creating my own product and bringing it to realization, managing a team of 4 people, implementing Scrum.

More details - in my resume.

Управление продуктом и проектамиProduct managementProduct Owner
Отрасль и сфера применения


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