Copywriter, content creator

Limassol, Cyprus
Контент • Авторы • Журналист • Копирайтер • Редактор
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О себе

Мои компетенции и опыт

Working for a long time in communications, I have acquired the skill of writing smart texts and creating suitable wording for any format, whether it is a press release, information note, interview, project description on a website or posts for social media. I have good literacy and can process a message or idea in my head and convey its meaning in the text in a clear and picturesque language. Whether it's a strict corporate style, informal texts for social networks or a beckoning slogan - I will definitely find the best shape.

My other skills at a glance:

- developing company's Tone of voice,

- managing company's brand presence in digital (social media accounts, maintaining the community, ORM),

- coordination of work of a project team,

- strong written communication skills, 

- strategic thinking.

More details can be found in my CV.

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