Дизайнер среды

Владимир-Москва, Россия
Джуниор • Миддл • Тимлид/Руководитель группы • VP
Информационные технологии
Удаленная работа
Опыт работы какой-то есть
от 50 000 до 70 000 ₽
Есть файл резюме (защищен)
О себе

На данный момент Инженер по снабжению.

Мои компетенции и опыт

I am a highly motivated professional with a diverse range of experiences in various industries. With a strong background in engineering and marketing, I possess valuable skills in research and development, technical support, project management, team leadership, and customer service. 

I'd like to join your team as an intern, and eventually I'm ready to take the position. I want to revolutionize people's lives through information technology, create products and develop platforms that I will be proud of and be part of an innovative team, which is why I choose your company. company. I know how to develop events of different formats, plan processes down to the last detail, quickly analyze information and easily find contacts with people. These qualities I managed to develop while volunteering. (participation in national and international events) and at my previous jobs, where I was engaged in issues of quality customer service, without ceasing to improve myself. There I learned to work in a team, to try myself in the role of an organizer. In addition, thanks to my internship at Tez Tour Ltd. learned to work for the result, in a short period of time adapt to new conditions and independently to make decisions independently. I follow your company's news: I read the blog on Twitter and the Telegram channel. I am sure that I will quickly become part of the company and start to benefit your business.

Best wishes, Margarita.

Информационные технологии
Отрасль и сфера применения

ДжуниорМиддлТимлид/Руководитель группыVP

Есть файл резюме (защищен)

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