Product manager
Удаленная работа
Опыт работы от 1 года до 3х летот 800 до 1 000 $
Опыт работы от 1 года до 3х летот 800 до 1 000 $
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О себе
На данный момент Product Manager.
Мои компетенции и опыт
After successfully completing a professional retraining course in Product Management, I participated in the development of a startup project — a freediving app. My responsibilities included:
- conducting competitor analysis
- developing scripts and performing custdev interviews
- prioritizing the backlog using the ICE Scoring method
- developing the MVP and prototyped it in Figma
- preparing technical specifications for the development team
- creating and managing the project plan
For the past few months, I have also been conducting customer development interviews for a Foodtech project. Based on the data collected, I work with the team to develop a strategy to improve the service.
I quickly adapt to new teams and integrate into projects. My professional goal for the coming years is to become a Product Owner with a comprehensive understanding of all product lifecycle processes. Therefore, I am seeking a position in a team with diverse experience and challenges, where I can further develop my skills and help the product become more valuable to users
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Интересные кандидаты
- пм
продакт менеджер, product manager
remote - вп
владелец продукта / product owner / бизнес аналитик / business analyst
remote - ап
ассистент проджект менеджера/ assistant project manager
relocate remote parttime office - Тм
Трафик менеджер / User acquisiton / Ad opertions manager
remote office - Тм
Технический менеджер / Senior Project Manager
remote - Тд
- Сд
Старший/Главный дизайнер в продукт или стартап Senior/Lead UX/UI/Product Designer
remote - См
Старший менеджер проектов / Senior Project Manager
remote office - См
Старший менеджер отдела продаж (B2B и B2C) Sales Manager Специалист по продажам
remote - СБ
Старший Бренд Менеджер / Brand Manager / Marketing Manager
relocate remote office
Мы используем куки, потому что без кук наш сайт не работал бы, другие сайты не работали бы, да и вообще весь
интернет не работал бы