senior system analyst
Moscow, RussiaСеньор
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О себе
На данный момент senior system analyst.
Мои компетенции и опыт
1. January 2024 to date
Business and systems analyst on customer projects.
Mainly retail.
Participated in the development of a solution for logistics tariffs for external sellers on a marketplace.
Built a clear for business, partners, customers logistics tariff system.
Project for storing the catalog of internal locations of the company.
Developed a system with a clear perimeter of responsibility in terms of storage of various geographical objects of the customer (warehouses, offices, etc.).
Development, piloting and replication of the project on selling goods on the marketplace of goods by seller (DBS).
Analyzing and designing the architectural solution, defending the solution on various committees.
Modeling end-to-end target process that is implemented on 20+ product teams.
Product owner on the company's internal product.
For 3 months led the development of the company's internal product (software for timesheet maintenance, mapping employee availability by days - remote, vacation, sick leave, etc., assessment in terms of employee self-assessment when entering the company and setting development goals for periods.
Mentor novice analysts.
Creating an individual track for each newcomer analyst in the company, Support during the probation period, holding interim meetings, setting goals for professional and personal growth. Preparing colleagues for interviews for customer projects.
Creating a competency matrix for analysts in the company.
Organized the process of creating a competency matrix for analysts in the company, a list of skills and skills included in them, templates for analysts of different grades (june, middle, senior).
Employee training.
Organized and conducted a training course for colleagues on public speaking. Very useful at demos, interviews for customer projects, defense of my solution.
2. September нужен доступ к резюме January 2024
Senior system analyst at a major bank
- requirements
Identification and refinement, agreement on timing and composition of requirement, prioritization.
- integrations
Determination of business value, selection of integration interaction method, description of integration mechanism, harmonization of attribute composition, validation methods, data processing mechanism on the sender and receiver side of the message.
Experience with REST API, SOAP, JSON, XML, creation of JSON schemas.
- Working with development tasks
Maintaining development team space in JIRA, scrum board, task entry, fluency updating, conducting PBR, building metrics on the product.
- Participate in building the product architecture
Choosing how the AS interacts with related AS, how the AS microservices interact with each other.
- Working with data
Description of storage structure, validation and processing mechanisms, database structure design.
Experience with MS SQL. Oracle, MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL
Documentation of project work
- Maintaining team space in confluence, documenting requirements, enhancements, business requirements, product roadmap, developing documentation for maintenance and business users.
- Testing
Supporting the team in testing enhancements, writing user-story, functional and regression testing of the product.
Experience with Zephyr Scale (TM4J, aka Adaptavist).
- Supporting developers in current implementation on requirements. Analyzing and resolving incidents
scrum master
mentor for new employees
3. February to September 2021
Business Systems Analyst in a custom development company on a project of a large infrastructure customer
- Collection, analysis and decomposition of customer and user requirements arising in the process of working with the system
- Development and coordination of new documentation
- Development of functional and technical requirements to the software being created
- Setting tasks for developers
- Initial testing of the developed functionality
- Analyzing and resolving incidents
- Support of developers and testers
- Maintaining internal technical documentation on the software being created
- Preparation of reporting documentation on projects
4. head of the technical support group.
June 2019-January 2021
Main content of work
Organization of the work of the support team of 1 and 2 lines.
Creating work schedule and calculating the required number of employees in the line in different time zones.
Controlling the SLA of the project.
Reporting for internal and external customers.
Drawing up an employee portrait - reduced staff turnover on the project.
The project was launched in October 2018, after the development and implementation of the employee portrait, staff turnover decreased from the company average of 18% to нужен доступ к резюме % in 2019 and to 6% in 2020. termination of work on the project now occurs due to maternity leave, internal transfers in the company (from L1 to L2, transfer to another project), change of company to work in another position with higher pay (support employee to developer).
the number of project employees in 2019 was 33 people, currently increased to 48 people.
a category model was developed and implemented for the project, containing requirements for the quantity and quality of processed user requests, which creates transparent and measurable criteria for professional and salary growth for project employees.
creation and implementation of motivation system on the project - the peculiarity of the project work is connected with sharp fluctuations in some months of incoming flow of requests from clients (the number of calls grows up to 3.5 times), in order to motivate employees to fulfill processing indicators above the normative category a motivation system was developed and implemented, taking into account quantitative indicators in terms of exceeding the normative processing and in terms of evaluation of the employee's work quality (audit of requests and calls, evaluation by L2).
Interaction with the customer - coordination of installation of new software versions
interviewing new employees
probationary period support, supervising the training proces
Интересные кандидаты
- вп
владелец продукта / product owner / бизнес аналитик / business analyst
remote - Тм
Технический менеджер / Senior Project Manager
remote - ТQ
Тестировщик QA Engineer (Middle/Senior), Team Lead QA
remote - Сд
Старший/Главный дизайнер в продукт или стартап Senior/Lead UX/UI/Product Designer
remote - Ссrelocate remote parttime office
- СБ
Старший Бизнес Аналитик, Senior Business Analyst (fullstack)
remote - Са
Стажер/Младший аналитик данных Data Analyst
remote parttime - СА
Стажер Аналитик данных / Data Analyst Intern
remote parttime office - СD
Специалист Data Analyst / Scientist
remote - Са
Системный/Бизнес аналитик System/Business analyst)