Full-stack QA Engineer

Ереван, Армения
Миддл • Сеньор
Информационные технологии • QA • Appium • Postman • Selenium • Auto • Manual • Mobile testing • SDET
Релокация • Удаленная работа • Частичная занятость • Работа в офисе
Опыт работы от 3 до 5 лет
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О себе

На данный момент Backend AQA Engineer.

Мои компетенции и опыт

Март 2024 — по настоящее время

6 месяцев

LLC Armenian Card

Backend AQA Engineer

- testing the system of fast payments from person to person;
- implementation automation tests to the project;
- manual API testing (REST API) - Postman;
- development of autotests for API - Java + Rest Assured;
- working with databases - Oracle;
- load testing - JMeter;
- identification and description of defects, control of their correction

- Java - JUnit, Rest Assured;
- API - Postman;
- Load tests - JMeter;
- CI/CD - GitHub Actions, Docker;
- Reports - Allure


Апрель 2023 — по настоящее время

1 год 5 месяцев

LLC A101

Full-stack QA Engineer

- building the process of testing a new mobile application;
- identification and description of defects, control of their correction;
- manual testing of the mobile application using real and virtual devices;
- automated testing of a mobile application (Android/iOS) using Java+ Appium + Allure + JUnit;
- manual testing of the web application;
- development of autotests for web app using JS (Cypress);
- manual API testing using Swagger and Postman;
- development of autotests for API - Java + Rest Assured;
- working with databases - PostgreSQL.

- Java - JUnit, Rest Assured;
- JS - Cypress;
- DB - PostgreSQL;
- Mobile automation - Appium, Appium Inspector;
- API - Postman, Swagger;
- VCS - Gitlab;
- IDEA - Intellij IDEA, Android Studio;
- CI/CD - Jenkins;
- Reports - Allure


Август 2023 — Декабрь 2023

5 месяцев

Finstar Financial Group (freelance)

Full-stack QA engineer

- manual testing of the web (desktop + mobile) application;
- manual testing of the mobile version of the application using real and virtual devices;
- manual testing of the CRM part of the product;
- automated testing of the web and crm parts of the product using Cucumber Java;
- analysis of the product functionality for weaknesses;
- manual API testing;
- working with databases.

- Java 11;
- BDD - Cucumber;
- DataBase - PostgreSQL, MSSQL;
- CI/CD - TeamCity;
- API - Postman, Swagger;
- VCS - Gitlab, GitHub;
- Logs - OpenSearch, GrayLog, Logcat


Январь 2022 — Апрель 2023

1 год 4 месяца

LLC Voxys

Software Testing Engineer

- manual testing of web applications;
- automation testing of web applications - Java + Selenium + JUnit;
- manual API testing (Swagger, Postman);
- conducting functional, modular and integration, regression and repeated, UI tests of web applications;
- database - MS SQL;
- creating of test documentation (checklists, test cases);
- registration of bug reports;
- work in Atlassian Jira and Atlassian Confluence.

Team Management:
- solving organizational issues;
- conducting interviews;
- mentoring of subordinates;
- organization and improvement of the testing process on the project;
- distribution of tasks among the team.


Июль 2021 — Декабрь 2021

6 месяцев

LLC Ареон

Junior Test Engineer

- manual testing of web applications for compliance with functional and non-functional requirements;
- analysis of the delivered technical description;
- discussion and coordination of requirements with analysts;
- testing according to the available checklists and test cases;
- writing test documentation (checklists, test cases) based on technical description;
- description of defects in Jira.


Информационные технологииQAAppiumPostmanSeleniumAutoManualMobile testingSDET
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