Product manager, product owner

Бангкок, Таиланд
Миддл • Сеньор
Управление продуктом и проектами • Product management • Product Owner • Управление процессами • Управление разработкой • Управление внедрением
Удаленная работа • Частичная занятость
Опыт работы какой-то есть
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О себе

На данный момент Product Manager.

Мои компетенции и опыт

Anna Danilova, Product Manager/Owner

e-mail: нужен доступ к резюме
LinkedIn tg: AnnaDanil14


I’m a passionate and results-oriented Product Manager with 5 years of experience. My entire adult life is connected with IT. I love digitising ideas and making order out of chaos. I am sure that a friendly atmosphere in a team adds +100 to efficiency. Experienced in working with limited resources and time to bring innovative products to market.


Intelkon / Product Manager

March нужен доступ к резюме December 2023, Moscow, Russia

Intelkon is a company specialising in smart home technologies, security systems and industrial automation solutions.


  • Intelkon /IoT/ - mobile application (iOS, Android, Huawei) with which a resident of the house can manage access control systems, view video from cameras, interact with the management company, manage Smart Home devices, order and pay for services of local companies (btc)
  • Intelkon - service desk (web) for house management companies (btb)


  • development and launch of three new functions
  • launching an MVP in less than 3 months with a limited budget
  • increase in WAU by 25% due to the implementation of a new function

Main responsibilities:

  • drawing up a project plan (Notion, Trello, Jira)
  • conducting competitive analysis, Custom Developments (quantitative and qualitative interviews), collecting feedback from users
  • construction of CJM, financial model and calculation of unit-economy of by-products
  • sales and launch of by-products
  • conducting A/B testing

i-Point / Product Owner

February нужен доступ к резюме March 2021, Irkutsk, Russia

i-Point - outsourcing company developing mobile and web applications


  • 3DEN /IoT/ - service for booking space for relaxation/work in New York, uses the concept of a smart workspace (btc)
  • e-Learning Platform /edTech/ system for organising distance education for IRNITU (Irkutsk National Research Technical University)


  • launching a 3DEN product from scratch (web and mobile applications iOS (+ version for iPad), Android) until generating income

Main responsibilities:

  • organising team work using SCRUM
  • participation in the creation of product development plans, roadmaps, formation and management of the backlog, determination of priorities
  • support for current projects

PAO Sberbank / Engineer 

May нужен доступ к резюме May 2018, Irkutsk, Russia

Technical responsibilities:

  • transfer of existing software from physical servers to virtual ones;
  • support/administration of virtual server infrastructure.


  • development and administration of a training portal based on Microsoft Sharepoint;
  • development and administration of a survey portal based on Microsoft Sharepoint.
  • projects based on Lean Methodology to optimise the internal activities of the IT division of the Baikal Bank of Sberbank

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