Senior React Frontend developer

Подгорица, Черногория
Информационные технологии • Разработка • JavaScript • TypeScript • React
Релокация • Удаленная работа
Опыт работы от 3 до 5 лет
от 300 000 до 400 000 ₽
О себе

На данный момент Senior React Frontend developer.

Мои компетенции и опыт

September 2023 — Present (1 year and 1 month)

A portal for sellers to manage sales, orders, and product ranges. He worked in a team of 5 people.
Stack: TypeScript, React, Redux, Redux Toolkit, FSD, RTK Query, Jest, React-testing-librar, Storybook, SCSS, Webpack

• Implemented functionality for merging personal accounts with complex logic by developing a separate admin panel for unrelated payments, which led to a reduction in commission for sellers
• Implemented user rights sharing functionality, which helped sellers limit the functionality of their personal account for their employees
• Managed the process of transferring part of the project from Redux to Redux Toolkit, reducing and updating the project code base
• Increased test coverage from 20% to 80% using Jest and RTL, which reduced the number of bugs in production and accelerated testing of new tasks
• He selected candidates for internship programs and ensured their successful adaptation to the project, as a result, he took two interns to his team and raised them to strong juniors
• Actively participated in hiring new employees, conducting technical interviews and improving interview processes, performed code reviews

Virtuum Lab
June 2020 — June нужен доступ к резюме years and 1 month)

The Fudkit project is a system for automating the delivery of public catering networks and its implementation on the website нужен доступ к резюме . He worked in a team of 4 people.

Stack: TypeScript, React, Redux, SCSS, MaterialUI, Webpack, Vite

• Implemented a 5-stage kanban board for kitchen workers using the react-dnd library, which optimized workflows and increased productivity
• Implemented a mobile version of the site based on customer layouts, which improved the user experience and increased the number of orders by 11%
• Conducted a major refactoring by implementing TypeScript and rewriting class React components into functional ones, which improved code quality and reduced the number of errors
• Accelerated the build of the project by replacing Webpack with Vite, which reduced the build time by 50% due to faster module processing and improved performance.

Frontend is a developer with 4 years of experience in creating and maintaining SPA in React, TypeScript and JavaScript. I strive for continuous optimization of applications and the introduction of new technologies.

I am able to work effectively both independently and in a team on all scrum processes, I actively participate in code reviews, task decomposition and sprint planning. I have experience managing a team of 3 people, mentoring interns and juniors.

Stack: React, TypeScript, JavaScript, FSD, Redux-toolkit, Sass, React-testing-library, Jest, Storybook
Preferred method of communication: нужен доступ к резюме

Информационные технологииРазработкаJavaScriptTypeScriptReact
Отрасль и сфера применения


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