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Кандидат ищет работу анонимно
Текущий статус/должность: senior user acquisition manager.
Мои компетенции и опыт
I have a diverse marketing background with a focus on performance marketing for mobile apps. Most of my experience in paid social & performance marketing relates to Ecommerce and communications.
ANALYTICAL SKILLS: from market and customer research to detailed analysis of advertising campaigns, A/B tests, including creative analysis. My commitment to analyze current campaigns data, user needs gives me insights to develop growth strategies.
GROWTH MINDSET: I tend to experiment with anything that makes the product grow.
PASSIONATE CHARACTER: I like to dive deep into the specifics of each product or game and come up with fresh ideas for UA strategies and tactics.
продакт/проджект менеджер, product/project manager
ассистент проджект менеджера/ assistant project manager
Трафик менеджер / User acquisiton / Ad opertions manager
Технический менеджер / Senior Project Manager
Технический директор / CTO / TechLead
Тестировщик, системный аналитик, Project manager
Старший/Главный дизайнер в продукт или стартап Senior/Lead UX/UI/Product Designer