Frontend Tech Lead

Сеньор • Тимлид/Руководитель группы
Информационные технологии • Разработка
Релокация • Удаленная работа
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О себе

На данный момент Frontend Tech Lead.

Мои компетенции и опыт

Company: нужен доступ к резюме нужен доступ к резюме now

Product Type: Product Development, Crypto Bank, Authorization and Setup Projects

Team: 14 Frontend Developers, 18 Backend Developers, 5 Project Managers, 4 Designers

Tech Stack: Vue, TypeScript, Jest, VueX, VueRouter, RESTful, Storybook, Tailwind

Communication Tools: Jira, Slack
Codebase Management: GitLab using GitLabFlow
- Organizing and managing the release cycle of projects and internal team processes
- Onboarding new employees
- Participating in quarterly planning, grooming, and planning sessions
- Decomposing and estimating tasks, ensuring their completion within deadlines
- Supporting the existing codebase and implementing new features
- Communicating with product colleagues and cross-functional teams
- Documenting project knowledge in Confluence
- Prioritizing urgent incidents and organizing their resolution

Examples of Completed Tasks:
- Developed an anti-fraud service that aggregates checks on the frontend based on server responses and initiates specific verification services
- Solved the issue of logouts by fixing asynchronous request bundling bugs across all projects
- Developed a service for managing the sequence of asynchronous requests and integrated it into middleware controlling the access token refresh process
- Created and successfully executed a migration plan from Vue 2 to Vue 3 for the monolith
- Improved Web Vitals metrics by 20% to 400% through data loading optimizations on project pages
- Integrated various services such as Sumsub, Google Captcha, Sentry, Unleash, and others into the system
- Implemented unit testing processes and integrated them into the CI/CD pipeline
- Established a clear testing flow using test environments and integrating unit testing into CI/CD
- Organized joint releases for 6 teams
- Developed components using Storybook and versioned them with Lerna
- Conducted code reviews, grooming, and planning for frontend tasks


Company: Sberbank-Technology нужен доступ к резюме

Product Type: Outsourced Development, Enhanced GitLab Analog, Telegram App, B2B CRM

Team: 13 Frontend Developers, 8 Backend Developers, 1 Project Manager

Stack: Vue, TypeScript, Jest, VueX, VueRouter, GraphQL, GitLabUI, SCSS

Communication Tools: Jira, Telegram

Codebase Organization: Bitbucket using GitLabFlow

• Maintaining the existing codebase and implementing new features
• Decomposing and estimating tasks
• Tracking time and documenting tasks
• Communicating with colleagues in the product team

Examples of Completed Tasks:
• Implemented unit testing (components, storage, composables) and increased coverage to 95%
• Developed GraphQL middleware for data processing
• Added JWT authorization mechanism
• Integrated third-party libraries
• Improved LCP, FID, CLS metrics by 70% through dependency replacement, data flow optimization, asset caching, and more
• Integrated the project with Sentry, logged events, and created alerts for key user scenarios
• Compiled project knowledge and artifacts in Confluence (project setup, working with env, using GitFlow)
• Migrated business logic from CSR to SSR
• Ported project modules to a web-based Telegram App


Company: ARTW нужен доступ к резюме

Product Type: Product Development, Real Estate Project

Team: 5 Frontend Developers, 12 Backend Developers, 2 Project Managers, 1 Designer

Stack: Nuxt, TypeScript, VueX, VueRouter, Docker, GraphQL, Pug, StoryBook, SCSS

Communication Tools: YouTrack, Bitrix24

Codebase Organization: GitLab using Gitflow


• Maintaining the existing codebase and implementing new features
• Decomposing and estimating tasks
• Tracking time and documenting tasks
• Communicating with colleagues in the product team

Examples of Completed Tasks:

• Developed an algorithm for finding the shortest path between two points on a map
• Created basic components (checkbox, input, modal window, etc.) and integrated them into StoryBook with descriptions
• Optimized heavy GraphQL queries on project pages
• Implemented tags for testing experimental features in production
• Moved business logic to storage from components and made the data consistent
• Externalized color variables, fonts, and applied them throughout the project

Информационные технологииРазработка
Отрасль и сфера применения

СеньорТимлид/Руководитель группы

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