Data analyst

Аналитика, Data Science, Big Data
Релокация • Удаленная работа
Опыт работы от 1 года до 3х лет
110 000 ₽
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О себе

На данный момент Operation Department Manager.

Мои компетенции и опыт

An experienced analyst assistant and engineer with extensive experience in developing and

implementing data analysis methods aimed at improving business efficiency. I specialize in forecasting

the flow rate of wells, where my solutions have led to an increase in forecast accuracy by 20% and an

increase in productivity by 15%. He managed the monitoring of security systems, which reduced the

number of incidents by 30%. Thanks to the introduction of automated processes, it was possible to reduce

the cost of manual operations by 25%.

The bachelors degree in Oil and Gas is backed by almost two years of practical experience working with

big data, including writing and optimizing complex SQL queries, which reduced data processing time by

35%. The introduction of automated dashboards has reduced the time required to prepare reports by

30%, while improving the quality of the data presented.

In addition, active participation in consulting and training of employees contributed to a 20% increase in

team productivity and a 15% reduction in the number of errors. Teamwork skills, as well as negotiating

with customers, led to a 12% increase in repeat sales and a 25% increase in customer satisfaction. I

personally conducted negotiations, which resulted in the signing of contracts.

With these practical achievements and skills, I am ready to make a significant contribution to the

development of a promising company focused on data and innovative solutions.

Аналитика, Data Science, Big Data
Отрасль и сфера применения


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