Senior Project Manager

Cebu, Philippines
Сеньор • Тимлид/Руководитель группы • Руководитель отдела/подразделения • Директор • Консультант
Управление продуктом и проектами • Product management • Project management • Управление процессами • Управление разработкой • Управление внедрением
Релокация • Удаленная работа • Работа в офисе
Опыт работы какой-то есть
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О себе

На данный момент Senior Project Manager.

Мои компетенции и опыт

I have over 10 years of experience in developing applications, platforms, and tools. I build high-performing teams and establish effective workflows. My specialization is managing distributed teams. I also have experience in product and account management.

In my work, I rely on logic, system analysis, openness, and honesty. I follow the principles of Servant Leadership and prefer an iterative approach, combining Agile methodologies based on project needs.

I'm passionate about automating processes. I use JavaScript and Python to develop scripts and tools that optimize workflows and data analysis. I have experience integrating and administering Confluence, Jira, and YouTrack.


Tomsk State University, Faculty of Biology and Soil Science, 2005
Degree: Microbiologist, Biotechnologist

Language Skills

  • Russian: Native
  • English: B2 (Upper-Intermediate)

Work Experience

March 2024 – Present

  • Studying at IMS Academy language school, Cebu, Philippines.
  • Providing consultations on team management and development processes.
  • Assisting two startups in transitioning from MVP to systematic development of a full-fledged product.

Senior Project Manager

Playrix, нужен доступ к резюме
April 2023 – December 2023

Main Responsibilities:

  • Full-cycle development of new features and integrating them into the product.
  • Leading a cross-functional team of over 20 specialists.


  • Developed and implemented a new strategy for creating features, improving process control and ensuring transparency.
  • Shifted the team to an iterative approach, which improved expectation management and reduced stress levels.
  • Automated several workflow stages, reducing the team's workload and increasing efficiency.
  • Initiated a project-level code review process, promoting knowledge sharing among engineers and improving product quality.

Chief Process Officer (CPO)

CSSSR, нужен доступ к резюме
October 2019 – December 2022

Main Responsibilities:

  • Managing the production department, including Front-end, Back-end, DevOps, QA, System Analysts, and Project Managers.
  • Resource planning, forming engineering teams, conducting and validating performance reviews.
  • Negotiating during presales, project estimation, and advising clients on product development and process optimization.
  • Managing the company's infrastructure teams.


  • Created a department of project managers and implemented unified standards, leveling the quality of work across all teams.
  • Developed a unique outsourcing approach focused on long-term client partnerships, maximizing team involvement and transparency.
  • Consistently received high evaluations for process quality and department results from both clients and employees.
  • Implemented a grading system and opened salary ranges, increasing career growth predictability and extending average employee tenure.

Senior Project Manager

CSSSR, нужен доступ к резюме
May 2016 – September 2019

Main Responsibilities:

  • Forming and leading engineering teams to achieve clients' product and project goals.


  • Formed several leading teams whose results attracted new key clients.
  • Established principles for engineering teams that became company-wide standards.
  • Reorganized the testing department and improved QA processes, enabling the company to offer quality guarantees.
  • Successfully acted as a crisis manager on a large project: resolved issues, tripled team size, and completed key product tasks.

Project Manager

Digital Agency Wow, нужен доступ к резюме
February 2014 – January 2015

Main Responsibilities:

  • Managing projects from idea to delivery of the finished product to the client.
  • Developing technical specifications, planning timelines, and controlling budgets.
  • Forming teams by involving internal and external specialists.

Operations Director

Nord LLC, нужен доступ к резюме
September 2011 – November 2013

Main Responsibilities:

  • Operational management of the company.
  • Forming and leading teams, launching and implementing new projects in navigation control.


  • Co-founded a company in commercial transport navigation control.
  • Ensured high-quality services, achieving self-sufficiency in six months and successfully competing in the market.
  • Developed and implemented a CRM system for real-time city transport monitoring, including route planning and passenger information via web portal.
  • Created a 24/7 technical support department, ensuring uninterrupted operation of equipment and servers.
  • Successfully sold my share of the business after two years, having achieved all set goals. The company continues to operate today.

Digital Projects Developer

Gelikon LLC 
December 2008 – September 2011

Main Responsibilities:

  • Administering the company's digital infrastructure.
  • Implementing automation and software products.


  • Developed and implemented a CRM system for dispatch, warehouse, and transport services.

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