Product designer
СербияМиддл • Сеньор
Релокация • Удаленная работа
Опыт работы от 3 до 5 лет
Опыт работы от 3 до 5 лет
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О себе
На данный момент Product designer.
Мои компетенции и опыт
Hi, my name is Ekaterina.
At Ingosstrakh:
● Worked on the main website of one of the largest insurance companies, I led a team in their research and design activities, conducted workshops and brainstorm sessions. I wore a user researcher hat talking to users and investigating their problems.
● I redesigned the main page, after which the client’s effort indicator decreased by 2 times before receiving the first price on popular insurance products.
● Developed a new structure and concept for the Personal Account, enriching it with new functionality and simplifying navigation, which increased the Retention Rate within a month after the release from 30% to 39%.
● To form and test hypotheses, I used Google Analytics and user experience research (interviews, usability testing, A/B tests, surveys, first click, competitive analysis) based on product metrics.
At Innotech:
● Worked on 3 projects: manager’s personal account, employee’s personal account and gamification (largest bank).
● Conducted a series of user interviews and testing, collected user problems and pain points, and created a backlog of tasks.
● I proposed improvements to the task section, which led to a 2-fold reduction in user effort on searching for a task.
● Developed new features and improved existing in the personal effectiveness cabinet application, which increased MAU from 20% to 90% of the application.
● Developed from scratch a section for planning employee schedules in the personal effectiveness office, after the release of Task Time Reduction of directors, it was reduced from 3 days to 1 day.
● For one of the projects I created a design system, which led to a reduction in time to market and error rate in a team when creating new features or improving existing ones.
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need further details!
Portfolio: нужен доступ к резюме
Recommendations can be found on LinkedIn: нужен доступ к резюме
For quick contact, you can reach me on Telegram: нужен доступ к резюме
Есть файл резюме (защищен)
Интересные кандидаты
- пм
продакт менеджер, product manager
remote - гG
гейм-дизайнер (game designer) / нарративный дизайнер
remote - вп
владелец продукта / product owner / бизнес аналитик / business analyst
remote - Сд
Старший/Главный дизайнер в продукт или стартап Senior/Lead UX/UI/Product Designer
remote - СP
Стажер Product/Marketolog Manager
remote parttime office - Сс
Смм специалист/ IT / GameDev / Product
remote - СO
СТО/CDTO/Head of Dev/Product Owner
relocate remote parttime office - СV
СЕО, VP, Business owner, Product owner
relocate remote office - СP
Сhief Product Officer (EdTech)
remote - СPrelocate remote parttime office
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интернет не работал бы