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WordPress Developer (Partr-time/Remote)

Частный рекрутер  Рекрутер Mariam Kimeride ( сайт не указан )
Аккаунт зарегистрирован с email *@gmail.com
Moscow , Russia
Миддл • Сеньор
Информационные технологии • Разработка • PHP • React • Laravel • HTML • CSS • SaaS/PaaS
5 ноября 2024
Удаленная работа • Частичная занятость
Опыт работы любой
Описание вакансии

Role Value Proposition:

Become a part of successful, swiftly expanding proxies provider company with the monthly growth rate of 30%!

You’ll be a WordPress Developer at a proxy provider. This means to closely collaborate with Marketing department as well as Development team, to create beautiful and efficient website pages and participate in strategic product experiments. Proxies are a rapidly evolving living industry, so don’t miss your chance to become an expert at it!

That’s a long term but not full time occupation. Approximate allocation is two weeks per month.

Why work at NodeMaven?

  • Get first-class hands-on experience with state of the art technologies and tools
  • Smaller team size (under 50 people) means more personal impact! Be a team’s valuable player
  • We are a product, not a bodyshop - a chance to take a deep dive in how products evolve and actually see your actions result in product success
  • Strong meritocracy - you perform, you get autonomy


Candidate Responsibilities:

  • Maintain the existing website
  • Create new pages and modules at it
  • Store new code developments at git
  • Investigate incidents if any occur


Candidate Requirements:

  • Strong WordPress knowledge
  • Excellent HTML & CSS skills
  • Git, Github - required
  • Elementor - would be a plus


Employment type - B2B 

Fully Remote 

Информационные технологииРазработкаPHPReactLaravelHTMLCSS
Отрасль и сфера применения
Уровень должности