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Текущий статус/должность: PowerBI Developer.
Мои компетенции и опыт
As a Data Engineer and Data Analyst, I have successfully completed the following projects:
- For a trading company (more than 40 stores, period 3 years) I created a data warehouse and BI reporting for complex trade analytics, ABC analysis, SKU profitability analysis (13 dashboards in total) using MS SQL, Python and Power BI.
- Developed reports on calculating the profitability and production indicators of IT projects for a startup company using Excel, Google tables, MS SQL Express and Power BI.
- Developed dashboards for analyzing Income statement, comparing planned and actual performance of a company that organizes IT exhibitions using Power Query M, MS SQL Express and Power BI.
I have also performed the role of Project Manager for all of these projects, overseeing the project scope, timeline, budget, and quality.
программист, dotnet developer, angular developer, full-stack
владелец продукта / product owner / бизнес аналитик / business analyst
аналитик данных, data scientist
Я хочу быть сильным разработчиком Android и решать проблемы
Фронтенд разработчик React / React Frontend Developer
Старший Бренд Менеджер / Brand Manager / Marketing Manager