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Data Scientist (antifraud) relocation to South-Eastern Europe

Агентство / HR ресурс  NewHR ( newhr.ru )
Релокация Европа, Юго-Восточная Европа
Миддл • Сеньор
Аналитика, Data Science, Big Data • Data scientist • Аналитик • Исследователь • Python • R • SQL • Blockchain • Банковская и страховая сфера
1 марта 2022
Релокация • Работа в офисе
Опыт работы от 1 года до 3х лет
Агентство  NewHR
Описание вакансии

Data Scientist (relocation to South-Eastern Europe)

  • International team
  • Fintech
  • Сlients from 120 countries

What would you be doing:

  • Communicate with Dealing department to understand the needs and current problems
  • Monitor and improve the performance of existing machine learning solutions based on Deep Learning (PyTorch) and gradient boosting
  • Develop new antifraud models and solve other predictive modeling tasks
  • Productionalize the models - create code for data preprocessing, prediction and transferring the results to business
  • Do exploratory data analysis (EDA) of client behavioral data using Python+SQL and PySpark
  • Improve internal codebase and create tools to automate ML model lifecycle


  • Previous experience (1-3 years) in creation of solutions which utilize machine learning under the hood
  • Must know: Python, SQL, Git, PyTorch
  • Nice to know: PySpark, Docker, cloud computing concepts (AWS), optimization algorithms
  • Nice to have experience
    • Experience in creation of deep learning models for transactional data
    • Successful participation in Kaggle competitions
    • General understanding of how trading, investing and financial markets work
  • Upper/Intermediate level of English written and verbal


  • Work in a dynamic and fast-paced international company
  • Generous relocation package
  • Work/residence permit for employees and their families
  • Competitive salary
  • Comprehensive medical insurance for all family members
  • Annual reimbursement of flight home for employee and family
  • Fun and friendly professional environment
  • Using leading technologies and modern practices
  • Excellent training and development opportunities
  • Rapidly expanding global footprint


По вопросам о компании и вакансии пишите в почту [email protected].
Так же вы можете:
• написать в Telegram: @prutyanova