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Middle Product Analyst (AI solution)

Прямой работодатель  Oneboost.io ( oneboost.io )
Джуниор • Миддл
Аналитика, Data Science, Big Data • Product аналитика • Бизнес анализ • Аналитик • Менеджер • Исследователь • ML/AI • Natural Language Processing (NLP) • SaaS/PaaS • Консалтинг, профессиональные услуги
27 ноября 2023
Удаленная работа • Частичная занятость
Опыт работы от 1 года до 3х лет
150 000 ₽
Работодатель  Oneboost.io
Описание вакансии

We are a technological international startup, developing solutions for the Automotive market based on AI for sales teams. We help our clients to improve the efficiency of their work. 

We are currently looking for an experienced Product Analyst to drive the development of our product and our customers. 

About the product: Oneboost is an online platform for intelligent call analysis of the Automotive new/used car sales and aftersales departments.

The main task of our team is to help the business make the right decisions and we expect that you will suggest how to do this based on data and research. With us, you will face many interesting tasks, from research and A/B testing to finding ways to develop our product.


  • Analyzing user behavior scenarios and deeply understanding of our data, scenarios and clients
  • Product research and indicating growth points
  • Searching, building and validating product metrics and hypothesis
  • Ad-hoc analytics
  • Working with clients to foster their business metrics growth


  • Knowledge of main product metrics and product development processes
  • Ability to work with big amounts of data
  • Confident knowledge of Python (for instance, Pandas, Numpy, Matplotlib)
  • Experience in conducting and analyzing A/B tests
  • Ability to solve problems
  • English from B2


  • Experience in Automotive field
  • Experience in B2B products
  • Experience with BI


  • The opportunity to conduct research in a product at the beginning of its development
  • International customers and projects
  • Possible part-time
  • Remote work format
  • Flexible start of the working day
  • Contract with international company