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Прямой работодатель  Kaiten ( kaiten.ru )
Сеньор • Тимлид/Руководитель группы • Руководитель отдела/подразделения
Маркетинг и PR • Спецпроекты • Связи с общественностью • Blockchain
13 декабря 2023
Удаленная работа
Опыт работы от 3 до 5 лет
350 000 ₽
Работодатель  Kaiten
Описание вакансии

About us

Blockchain-based cryptobank enables people to open deposit and savings accounts and earn daily compound interest on their crypto.

We also provide crypto checking and savings accounts, instant cryptocredit line and crypto portfolio with PNL analysis. People around the world can open an account as easily as in a social app and have their funds protected. We are the top 10 companies in the world in crypto ecosystems and we are trying to overdeliver towards the mission.

PointPay is looking to hire a Project Manager to join our team. This is a full-time position that can be done remotely anywhere in the world. We offer a competitive pay and stellar growth with the rise of the crypto era.

What to do

  • Communication with investors;
  • Holding Ama-sessions
  • Making decisions together with the C-level team
  • attracting new investors
  • Roll out and implement actional plans for operational processes, internal infrastructures, reporting systems and Company policies, all designed to foster growth, profitably and efficiency

Experience and knowledge

  • At least 3 years of experience as in an IT / fintech company. Experience with crypto projects;
  • Ability to present and sell a product
  • High communication skills
  • High organization, responsibility, ability to make decisions;
  • English B2 and above

What will we offer in return

  • 5/2 remote work and flexible schedule;
  • Interesting and lively projects, non-standard tasks, the ability to influence the product;
  • Lack of bureaucracy;
  • Real growth prospects and opportunities to develop your skills in a global company by developing and implementing your ideas for our huge community of users.