Product Manager (b2b, SaaS)

Прямой работодатель  Freelbee ( )
Dubai, UAE
Сеньор • Тимлид/Руководитель группы
Управление продуктом и проектами • Product management • SaaS/PaaS
4 июля
Удаленная работа
Опыт работы от 3 до 5 лет
Работодатель  Freelbee
Описание вакансии

We`re hiring Product Manager (b2b, SaaS)


A budget-friendly way to automate payments to 10+ global contractors.


  • Work in a product team reporting to the CEO
  • Collaborating with Cross-Functional Teams (PM, CTO, CFO, sales & marketing, HR BP), maintaining transparent and regular communications with the team to build a coherent work process
  • Managing the Product Life Cycle
  • Creation & implementation of a global product development strategy 
  • Building a product roadmap, backlog management and task prioritization and updating it as needed 
  • Conducting CustDev, collecting feedback from users
  • Conducting Market research
  • Finding best practices and implementing them into the product
  • Monitor key metrics and manage your product according to the analytics/data
  • Optimization of product development processes
  • Responsibility for deadlines, resources and business results.


  • Successful product management experience (b2b, IT/Fintech)
  • Fluent English (C1/C2)
  • Focus on results
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills
  • Strategic thinking
  • Organizational and planning skills
  • Proactive approach
  • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills
  • Strong leadership skills
  • Data-driven approach (able to propose and justify your ideas with numbers and highlight the importance of the problem being solved for the business)
  • Negotiating & presentation skills
  • Team player
  • Startup background will be a big advantage


  • Work-life balance
  • Registration under the Services Agreement (fixed-term agreement with the possibility of extension)
  • Flexible processes, quick decision-making at all stages

Управление продуктом и проектамиProduct management
Отрасль и сфера применения
Уровень должности
СеньорТимлид/Руководитель группы
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