Chief Marketing Officer

Москва, Россия
Тимлид/Руководитель группы • Руководитель отдела/подразделения • Директор
Маркетинг и PR • CRM • Context • E-mail (Direct) • Programmatic • SEO • SEM • User Acquisition • PPC • Brand • Growth • Media Planner • SMM/ Community • SERM • Trade маркетинг • Контент маркетинг • Маркетинговые исследования • Программы лояльности • Спецпроекты
Релокация • Удаленная работа • Частичная занятость
Опыт работы более 5 лет
300 000 ₽
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О себе

На данный момент Chief Marketing Officer.

Мои компетенции и опыт

I'm purposeful, responsible and open-minded. 8 years of experience in Digital Marketing. Currently looking for remote/relocation opportunities.

  • Broad technical background and a good understanding of digital technologies.
  • Ability to plan, organize and monitor project progress, prioritize and manage resources and budget.
  • Excellent communication skills to communicate effectively with clients, team, related departments and other stakeholders.
  • Able to identify and manage risks, anticipate potential problems and develop strategies and plans to prevent or resolve them.
  • Ability to inspire and motivate the team, assign responsibilities, set goals and measure results to achieve project success.
  • Passion for testing new things.

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