Агентство / HR ресурс  UpHire

UpHire – a fast-developing international IT-oriented startup providing global smart people management solutions. 
Our team suggests supportive atmosphere and opportunities for mutual experience sharing, making it possible to deal with any issue. Our team is working using the best HR instruments and practices strongly based on 20 years of experience in working with Russian & International Business.


▪    Recruitment & Talent Acquisition 
▪    Market research (mapping) 
▪    Technical assessment 
▪    Relocation Programs 
▪    Internship programs 
▪    Internal recruitment process optimization

People Management Solutions
▪    Onboarding programs 
▪    Retention programs
▪    Employer Brand projects
▪    Outplacements

Learning & Development
▪    Mentoring programs
▪    Leadership programs 
▪    Successor programs
▪    Career planning and consulting

Digital HR
▪    HR & Recruitment process automation
▪    Customizing and integration 
▪    HR tech product to efficiency increasing

Our mission is to expand opportunities finding smart people and smart solutions.

Let's rock! Let`s up hire IT!

Geography of our services - 25 countries.

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